How to Play the Black Jack Role Game

1. Overview

The objective of the Black Jack Role Game is to get the total score of 21 by picking values from value holders, and to do this is fast as possible.

2. Commands

To start a game, hit 'n' and then 'Enter' (or click Ok).

To get a value added to the score, enter the name of the value holder, e.g., hit 'y' to add the value in the box. To get new values for the value holders without selecting any of them, hit 'a' (or space or 'Enter').

You can initialize value holders u and y to zero by hitting 'i'.

If you exceed 21 or have not used at least two different value holders to get 21, you will lose the game. If you hit more than two times either 'a' or 'i', you will get a penalty of 30 seconds.

3. Behavior of Value Holders

There are five value holders, four of which are named and can be picked. Their new values are obtained as follows:

4. Tips

You don't have to pick any value on each round – just hit 'a'. But don't do this more than twice or you will get a penalty!

Try to predict the future values of the value holders.

If you need small values, hit 'i': the stepper will again start from zero.