Stützle T., Sajaniemi J. (2005)
An Empirical Evaluation of Visual Metaphors in the Animation of Roles of Variables
Informing Science Journal, 8, 87-100. (Also presented at the 2005 Informing Science and Information Technology Education Joint Conference (InSITE 2005), Flagstaff, AZ, June 2005, as a Best Paper.)
Abstract: Roles of variables, which describe stereotypic usages of variables, can be exploited to facilitate teaching introductory programming. This paper describes the evaluation of visual metaphors for roles used in a role-based program animator. The evaluation is based on several criteria: proper-ties of the images, metaphor recognition and grading, and effects on learning. The study demon-strates that as a whole the role metaphors facilitate learning. The results also identify ideas for further elaboration of the individual metaphors. Furthermore, the study suggests that the evalua-tion of animated metaphors may require special measures.
Last updated: July 11, 2005