Work by The Roles of Variables group
at the University of Joensuu (later University of Eastern Finland)
Joint work with other research groups
Work by independent research groups
Taherkhani A. (2011)
Using Decision Tree Classifiers in Source Code Analysis to Recognize Algorithms: An Experiment with Sorting Algorithms
The Computer Journal, 54(11): 1845-1860, doi: 10.1093/comjnl/bxr025.
Taherkhani A., Korhonen A., Malmi L. (2011)
Recognizing Algorithms Using Language Constructs, Software Metrics
and Roles of Variables: An Experiment with Sorting Algorithms.
The Computer Journal, 54(7): 1049-1066, doi: 10.1093/comjnl/bxq049.
Taherkhani A. (2010)
Recognizing Sorting Algorithms with the C4.5 Decision Tree Classifier.
Proceedings of the 18th IEEE International Conference on Program Comprehension,
IEEE Computer Society, 72-75.
Lampinen S. (2010)
Detecting Roles of Variables in an Intermediate Language.
Master's Thesis,
Department of Computer Science and Engineering,
School of Science and Technology,
Aalto University.
Taherkhani A., Malmi L. Korhonen A. (2009)
Using Roles of Variables in Algorithm Recognition.
Proceedings of the 9th Koli Calling International Conference on
Computing Education Research, Koli, Finland, October 29 November 1, 2009.
In press.
Nevalainen S., Sajaniemi J. (2008)
An Experiment on the Short-Term Effects of Engagement and Representation in Program Animation.
Journal of Educational Computing Research 39(4), 395-430.
Copies available on request.
Heikkilä K. (2008)
Muuttujien roolit ohjelmistoasiantuntijoiden kirjoittamissa Java-ohjelmissa
(Roles of variables in experts' Java programs).
Master's Thesis, Department of Computer Science and Statistics, University of Joensuu,
Master's Thesis, Department of Computer Science and Statistics, University of Joensuu, Finland.
Copies available on request.
Timonen S. (2008)
Muuttujien roolit noviisien kirjoittamissa C-kielisissä ohjelmissa
(Roles of variables in novices' C programs).
Master's Thesis, Department of Computer Science and Statistics, University of Joensuu, Finland.
Copies available on request.
Taherkhani A., Malmi L., Korhonen A. (2008)
Algorithm Recognition by Static Analysis and Its Application in Students' Submissions Assessment.
Koli'08: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computing
Education Research, Koli, Finland, 13-16 November, ACM, 2008, 88-91.
Taherkhani A. (2008)
Static Program Analysis for Recognizing Sorting Algorithms.
Master's Thesis,
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Helsinki University of Technology.
Laakso M.-J., Malmi L., Korhonen A., Rajala T., Kaila E. Salakoski T. (2008)
Using Roles of Variables to Enhance Novice's Debugging Work.
Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology, Volume 5, 281-295.
Available at
Sorva J. (2008)
A Roles-Based Approach to Variable-Oriented Programming.
Human Technology, 4(1), 62-74.
Available at
Sorva J., Karavirta V., Korhonen A. (2007)
Roles of Variables in Teaching.
Journal of Information Technology Education, 6, 407-423.
(Also to be presented in Informing Science + IT Education Joint Conference (InSITE 2007),
Ljubljana, Slovenia, June 2007.)
Available at
Byckling P., Sajaniemi J. (2007) A Study on Applying Roles of Variables in
Introductory Programming.
IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC'07),
Coeur d'Alène, Idaho, USA, September 2007. IEEE Computer Society, 61-68.
Copies available on request.
Experimental materials
Nevalainen S., Sajaniemi J. (2007) An Experiment on the Effects of
Engagement and Representational Charasteristics in Program Animation
Perception. J. Sajaniemi, M. Tukiainen, R. Bednarik, S. Nevalainen
(eds.) Proceedings of the 19th Annual Workshop of the Psychology of
Programming Interest Group (PPIG07), Joensuu, Finland, July, 2007.
International Proceedings Series 7, University of Joensuu, Department
of Computer Science and Statistics, 17-31.
Copies available on request.
Rajala T., Laakso M.-J., Kaila E., Salakoski T. (2007)
VILLE – A Language-Independent Program Visualization Tool.
Lister, R. and Simon, Eds:
Proc. Seventh Baltic Sea Conference on Computing Education Research (Koli Calling
2007), Koli National Park, Finland. CRPIT, 88, Australian Computer Society,
Gerdt P. M., Sajaniemi J. (2007) Introducing Learning into Automatic
Program Comprehension. J. Sajaniemi, M. Tukiainen, R. Bednarik, S.
Nevalainen (eds.) Proceedings of the 19th Annual Workshop of the
Psychology of Programming Interest Group (PPIG07), Joensuu, Finland,
July, 2007. International Proceedings Series 7, University of
Joensuu, Department of Computer Science and Statistics, 101-115.
Copies available on request.
Sorva J. (2007) A Roles-Based Approach to Variable-Oriented
Programming. J. Sajaniemi, M. Tukiainen, R. Bednarik, S. Nevalainen
(eds.) Proceedings of the 19th Annual Workshop of the Psychology of
Programming Interest Group (PPIG07), Joensuu, Finland, July, 2007.
International Proceedings Series 7, University of Joensuu, Department
of Computer Science and Statistics, 116-128.
Timcenko O. (2007) Example of Using Narratives in Teaching
Programming: Roles of Variables. J. Sajaniemi, M. Tukiainen, R.
Bednarik, S. Nevalainen (eds.) Proceedings of the 19th Annual
Workshop of the Psychology of Programming Interest Group (PPIG07),
Joensuu, Finland, July, 2007. International Proceedings Series 7,
University of Joensuu, Department of Computer Science and Statistics,
Sajaniemi J., Stützle T. (2007) Lightweight Techniques for Structural
Evaluation of Animated Metaphors.
Interacting with Computers 19(4), 457-471.
Copies available on request.
Gerdt P. (2007)
A System for the Automatic Detection of Variable Roles.
Licenciate Thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Joensuu, Finland.
Copies available on request.
Nikula U., Sajaniemi J., Tedre M., Wray S. (2007)
Python and Roles of Variables in Introductory Programming: Experiences from
three Educational Institutions.
Journal of Information Technology Education, 6, 199-214.
(Also to be presented in Informing Science + IT Education Joint Conference (InSITE 2007),
Ljubljana, Slovenia, June 2007.)
Available at
Byckling P., Gerdt P., Kuzniarz L., Sajaniemi J. (2006)
Increasing Comprehensibility of Object Models: Making the Roles of
Attributes Explicit in UML Diagrams.
Nordic Journal of Computing 13(3), 149-161.
(An earlier version of this paper was published in
A. Prinz, M. S. Tveit (eds.) Proceedings of the NWUML'06 -- The 4th
Nordic Workshop on UML and Software Modeling, Grimstad, Norway, June
Copies available on request.
Nevalainen S., Sajaniemi J. (2006) An Experiment on Short-Term
Effects of Animated versus Static Visualization of Operations on
Program Perception. Proceedings of the 2nd International Computing
Education Research Workshop (ICER 2006), Canterbury, U.K., September
2006, Association for Computing Machinery, 7-16.
Copies available on request.
Byckling P., Sajaniemi J. (2006) A Role-Based Analysis Model for the
Evaluation of Novices' Programming Knowledge Development. Proceedings
of the 2nd International Computing Education Research Workshop (ICER
2006), Canterbury, U.K., September 2006, Association for Computing
Machinery, 85-96.
Copies available on request.
Sajaniemi J., Hu C. (2006) Teaching Programming: Going beyond
"Objects First". P. Romero, J. Good, S. Bryant, E. A. Chaparro (eds.)
Proceedings of the 18th Annual Workshop of the Psychology of
Programming Interest Group (PPIG2006), Brighton, U.K., September
2006, University of Sussex, 255-265.
Copies available on request.
Sajaniemi J., Byckling P., Gerdt P. (2006) Metaphor-Based Animation
of OO Programs (Extended Poster abstract). Proceedings SOFTVIS 06 ACM
Symposium on Software Visualization, Brighton, U.K., September 2006,
Association for Computing Machinery, 173-174.
Copies available on request.
Timcenko O. (2006)
Example of Using Narratives in Teaching Programming: Roles of Variables.
2nd Kaleidoscope Narrative SIG Workshop, Palermo, June 2006. Available at
Sajaniemi J., Byckling P., Gerdt P. (2006)
Animation Metaphors for Object-Oriented Concepts.
Fourth Program Visualization Workshop (PVW 2006),
Florence, Italy, June 2006.
Copies available on request.
Sajaniemi J., Ben-Ari M., Byckling P., Gerdt P., Kulikova Y. (2006)
Roles of Variables in Three Programming Paradigms.
Computer Science Education 16(4), 261-279.
Copies available on request.
Experimental materials of the procedural study
Experimental materials of the object-oriented study
Experimental materials of the functional study
Gerdt P., Sajaniemi J. (2006) A Web-Based Service for the Automatic
Detection of Roles of Variables. M. Goldweber, P. Salomoni (eds.)
Proceedings of the 11th Annual Conference on Innovation and
Technology in Computer Science Education (ITiCSE06). Bologna, Italy,
June 2006, 178-182.
Copies available on request.
Johnson C. G. (2006)
Abstract Interpretation of Student Programs as a Strategy for Courseware Development.
Methods, Materials and Tools for Programming Education,
Codewitz Open Conference, Tampere, Finland, May 2006. Available at
Byckling P. (2006)
Effects of Roles of Variables in Learning to Program: Results of a Classroom
Licenciate Thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Joensuu, Finland.
Copies available on request.
Nevalainen S. (2006)
Attention and Program Knowledge in Visualising Roles of Variables.
Licenciate Thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Joensuu, Finland.
Copies available on request.
Sajaniemi J., Hu C. (2006)
Teaching Programming: Going beyond "Objects First".
University of Joensuu, Department of Computer Science, Technical Report,
Series A, Report A-2006-1.
Available at
Byckling P., Sajaniemi J. (2006) Roles of Variables and Programming
Skills Improvement.
Proceedings of the 37th SIGCSE Tehnical Symposium on Computer Science
Education (SIGCSE 2006), Houston, USA, March 2006,
Association for Computing Machinery, 413-417.
Copies available on request.
Experimental materials
Bishop C., Johnson C. G. (2005)
Assessing Roles of Variables by Program Analysis.
Fifth Annual Finnish / Baltic Sea Conference on Computer
Science Education, Kolin Kolistelut - Koli Calling 2005. University
of Joensuu, Finland, October 2005.
BlueJ extension available at
Bishop C. (2005)
Roles of Variables and Program Analysis.
M.Sc. Thesis, Computer Science, University of Kent at Canterbury, UK.
BlueJ extension available at
Byckling P., Gerdt P., Sajaniemi J. (2005)
Roles of Variables in Object-Oriented Programming.
Companion to the 20th Annual ACM SIGPLAN Conference on
Object-oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications
(OOPSLA 2005), San Diego, USA, October 2005, Association for
Computing Machinery, 350-355.
Copies available on request.
Experimental materials
Sajaniemi J. (2005) Roles of Variables and Learning to Program.
Invited talk, Proceedings of the 3rd Panhellenic Conference
"Didactics of Informatics", A. Jimoyiannis (ed.), University of
Peloponnese, Korinthos, Greece, 7-9 Oct. 2005.
Copies available on request.
Byckling P., Sajaniemi J. (2005) Using Roles of Variables in Teaching:
Effects on Program Construction.
P. Romero, J. Good, S. Bryant, E. A. Chaparro (eds.)
Proceedings of the 17th Annual Workshop of the Psychology of Programming
Interest Group (PPIG 2005). University of Sussex, U.K., 278-303.
Copies available on request.
Experimental materials
Nevalainen S., Sajaniemi J. (2005) Short-Term Effects of
Graphical versus Textual Visualisation of Variables on Program
P. Romero, J. Good, S. Bryant, E. A. Chaparro (eds.)
Proceedings of the 17th Annual Workshop of the Psychology of Programming
Interest Group (PPIG 2005). University of Sussex, U.K., 77-91.
Copies available on request.
Sajaniemi J., Navarro Prieto R. (2005) Roles of Variables in
Experts' Programming Knowledge.
P. Romero, J. Good, S. Bryant, E. A. Chaparro (eds.)
Proceedings of the 17th Annual Workshop of the Psychology of Programming
Interest Group (PPIG 2005). University of Sussex, U.K., 145-159.
Copies available on request.
Experimental materials
Stützle T., Sajaniemi J. (2005) An Empirical Evaluation of Visual
Metaphors in the Animation of Roles of Variables.
Informing Science Journal, 8, 87-100.
(Also presented at the 2005 Informing Science and Information Technology
Education Joint Conference (InSITE 2005), Flagstaff, AZ, June 2005,
as a Best Paper.)
Available at
Sajaniemi J., Navarro Prieto R. (2005) An Investigation into
Professional Programmers' Mental Representations of Variables.
13th International Workshop on Program Comprehension IWPC 2005,
St. Louis, Missouri, USA, May 2005. IEEE Computer Society, 55-64.
Copies available on request.
Experimental materials
Sajaniemi J., Kuittinen M.
An Experiment on Using Roles of Variables in Teaching Introductory
Programming. Computer Science Education 15(1), 59-82.
Copies available on request.
Experimental materials
Byckling P., Gerdt P., Nevalainen S.
Muuttujien roolitutkimus.
Tietojenkäsittelytiede, numero 22, 21-34.
Gerdt P., Sajaniemi J. (2004) An Approach to Automatic Detection of
Variable Roles in Program Animation. Proceedings of the Third Program
Visualization Workshop (ed. A. Korhonen), Research Report CS-RR-407,
Department of Computer Science, University of Warwick, UK, 86-93.
Copies available on request.
Sajaniemi J., Kuittinen M.
Visualizing Roles of Variables in Program Animation.
Information Visualization 3(3), 137-153.
Copies available on request.
Experimental materials
Ben-Ari M., Sajaniemi J.
Roles of Variables as Seen by CS Educators.
ITiCSE 2004, Proceedings of the 9th Annual Conference on
Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, Leeds, UK,
June 2004. Association for Computing Machinery, 52-56.
Copies available on request.
Experimental materials
Kuittinen M., Sajaniemi J.
Teaching Roles of Variables in Elementary Programming Courses.
ITiCSE 2004, Proceedings of the 9th
Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science
Education, Leeds, UK, June 2004. Association for Computing Machinery,
Copies available on request.
Experimental materials
Byckling P., Gerdt P., Nevalainen S. (2004) Research into Roles of
Variables. Fränti P., Marjomaa E. (eds.): Tietojenkäsittelytieteen
päivät 2004 (Proceedings of the 2004 National Conference of the
Finnish Society for Computer Science), University of Joensuu,
Department of Computer Science, International Proceeding Series 5,
Byckling P., Kuittinen M., Nevalainen S., Sajaniemi J. (2004) An
Inter-Rater Reliability Analysis of Good's Program Summary Analysis
Scheme. Proceedings of the 16th Annual Workshop of the Psychology of
Programming Interest Group (PPIG 2004). Institute of Technology
Carlow, Ireland, 170-184.
Copies available on request.
Nevalainen S., Sajaniemi J. (2004) Comparison of Three Eye Tracking
Devices in Psychology of Programming Research. Proceedings of the
16th Annual Workshop of the Psychology of Programming Interest Group
(PPIG 2004). Institute of Technology Carlow, Ireland, 151-158.
Copies available on request.
Kuittinen M, Sajaniemi J. (2003)
First Results of An Experiment on Using Roles of Variables in
EASE & PPIG 2003, Papers
from the Joint Conference at Keele University 8th-10th April 2003.
Keele, U.K., 347-357.
Copies available on request.
Experimental materials
Sajaniemi J., Kuittinen M. (2003) Program Animation Based on the
Roles of Variables. Proceedings ACM 2003 Symposium on Software
Visualization (SoftVis 2003), San Diego, CA, June 2003. Association
for Computing Machinery, 7-16. Best Paper Award.
Copies available on request.
Sajaniemi J., Kuittinen M. (2003) PlanAni: A Program Animator Based
on the Roles of Variables. 2003 ACM Symposium on Software
Visualization (SoftVis 2003), Demo/Poster Program, San Diego, CA,
June 2003. 2 pages.
Copies available on request.
Ben-Ari M., Sajaniemi J. (2003) Roles of Variables From the
Perspective of Computer Science Educators. University of Joensuu,
Department of Computer Science, Technical Report, Series A, Report
Available at
Experimental materials
Sajaniemi J. (2002) A New Approach to Variable Visualization: Roles
as Visualization Objects.
Proceedings of the Second Program Visualization Workshop
(ed. M. Ben-Ari), Report DAIMI PB-567, Department of Computer Science,
University of Aarhus, Denmark, June 2002, 75-83.
Available at
Sajaniemi J. (2002) Visualizing Roles of Variables to Novice
Programmers. Proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual Workshop of the
Psychology of Programming Interest Group (PPIG 2002) (eds. J. Kuljis,
L. Baldwin, R. Scoble), London, U.K., June 2002, 111-127.
Available at
(A preliminary version that appeared as a technical report can be
Sajaniemi J. (2002) An Empirical Analysis of Roles of Variables in
Novice-Level Procedural Programs. Proceedings of IEEE 2002 Symposia
on Human Centric Computing Languages and Environments (HCC'02),
Arlington, VA, September 2002. IEEE Computer Society, 37-39.
Copies available on request.
Last updated: December 20, 2011