Timcenko O. (2006)
Example of Using Narratives in Teaching Programming: Roles of Variables
2nd Kaleidoscope Narrative SIG Workshop, Palermo, June 2006. Available at http://gaips.inesc-id.pt/kw-nle06/
From the article: The aim of our future work in this area is to investigate and figure out how to develop relevant technical stories and how to integrate them best in multimedia high-tech environments of edutainment LEGO toys, especially to investigate how far Roles of Variables concept could be pushed in RoboLab-like programming environment, and figure out could this approach help more different children to understand some basic of programming. I do not believe that narrationalizing (or storifying) the processes of building and programming LEGO models is impossible or a not desirable process. I do believe that narratives could play an important role in the LEGO technology universe, by: giving and keeping motivation; providing initial and just in time instructions as necessary (teaching users essential skills required to start and continue the process); making the instructive experience of playing with technological toys more accessible and enjoyable to more kids, not only to those technology-oriented freaks.
Last updated: August 7, 2006